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LegionStar Wars: Legion: Gar Saxon Commander Expansion New
The ruthless Mandalorian warrior Gar Saxon blasts his way into Star Wars: Legion as a commander in Maul’s Shadow Collective! Filled with a desire for power and dominance, Saxon gives players even more options for their Shadow Collective forces with his elite Mandalorian training. What’s more, three command cards represent the brute strength and underhanded tactics he’s willing to use to ensure victory. Finally, seven upgrade cards give players the chance to equip Saxon with an array of deadly weaponry, including his iconic Galar-90 rifle, jetpack rockets, and a ZX flame projector.0 2525RUB25RUB
![Star Wars: Legion: Gar Saxon Commander Expansion New Star Wars: Legion: Gar Saxon Commander Expansion New](https://legion-discount.ru//images/b8/ce/92/c6/9265c3cd.png)
Star Wars: Legion: Gar Saxon Commander Expansion New в Михайловке
The ruthless Mandalorian warrior Gar Saxon blasts his way into Star Wars: Legion as a commander in Maul’s Shadow Collective! Filled with a desire for power and dominance, Saxon gives players even more options for their Shadow Collective forces with his elite Mandalorian training. What’s more, three command cards represent the brute strength and underhanded tactics he’s willing to use to ensure victory. Finally, seven upgrade cards give players the chance to equip Saxon with an array of deadly weaponry, including his iconic Galar-90 rifle, jetpack rockets, and a ZX flame projector.
Star Wars Legion: Gar Saxon Commander Expansion Unboxing deutsch![](https://legion-discount.ru/thumbs/93/6c/c9/66/9ca6cc93.png)
Star Wars Legion: Gar Saxon Commander Expansion Unboxing deutsch
PT6M58Strue0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC![](https://legion-discount.ru/thumbs/93/6c/c9/66/9ca6cc93.png)
Legion - Gar Saxon vs Leia - Mandalorian Battle Report!![](https://legion-discount.ru/thumbs/92/ec/cc/68/6d4d074f.png)
Legion - Gar Saxon vs Leia - Mandalorian Battle Report!
PT6M58Strue0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC![](https://legion-discount.ru/thumbs/92/ec/cc/68/6d4d074f.png)
Star Wars Legion Gar Saxon Unboxing and Giveaway (After Painting)!![](https://legion-discount.ru/thumbs/eb/89/8c/11/99dd32b6.png)
Star Wars Legion Gar Saxon Unboxing and Giveaway (After Painting)!
PT6M58Strue0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC![](https://legion-discount.ru/thumbs/eb/89/8c/11/99dd32b6.png)
Gar Saxon and the Shadow Collective Detained - Clone Wars Season 7 Episode 11 "Shattered"![](https://legion-discount.ru/thumbs/c3/cd/28/74/7732319e.png)
Gar Saxon and the Shadow Collective Detained - Clone Wars Season 7 Episode 11 "Shattered"
PT6M58Strue0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC![](https://legion-discount.ru/thumbs/c3/cd/28/74/7732319e.png)
Star Wars Legion unboxing : Shadow Collective - Gar Saxon![](https://legion-discount.ru/thumbs/8f/86/db/ab/a93421d2.png)
Star Wars Legion unboxing : Shadow Collective - Gar Saxon
PT6M58Strue0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC![](https://legion-discount.ru/thumbs/8f/86/db/ab/a93421d2.png)
Shadow collective and gar Saxon unboxing![](https://legion-discount.ru/thumbs/e4/13/26/2d/1aee39cb.png)
Shadow collective and gar Saxon unboxing
PT6M58Strue0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC![](https://legion-discount.ru/thumbs/e4/13/26/2d/1aee39cb.png)
Gar Saxon Unboxing! Star Wars Legion![](https://legion-discount.ru/thumbs/f4/94/4b/c2/96e90df8.png)
Gar Saxon Unboxing! Star Wars Legion
PT6M58Strue0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC![](https://legion-discount.ru/thumbs/f4/94/4b/c2/96e90df8.png)
Star wars legion Gar Saxon painted and tabletop ready![](https://legion-discount.ru/thumbs/9b/cc/39/33/cc932699.png)
Star wars legion Gar Saxon painted and tabletop ready
PT6M58Strue0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC![](https://legion-discount.ru/thumbs/9b/cc/39/33/cc932699.png)
WM6130 - Star Wars Minifigures non Lego CountDooku Commander Fox Purge Trooper Gar Saxon Mace Windu![](https://legion-discount.ru/thumbs/ae/4b/d4/94/93683fe0.png)
WM6130 - Star Wars Minifigures non Lego CountDooku Commander Fox Purge Trooper Gar Saxon Mace Windu
PT6M58Strue0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC![](https://legion-discount.ru/thumbs/ae/4b/d4/94/93683fe0.png)
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